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How to Update Your Email Address for Your Glide Account
How to Update Your Email Address for Your Glide Account

If you wish to change your Glide's email address, you can follow these steps

Updated over a week ago

Are you in the process of changing your email address due to a company name change or for any other reason?

Glide accounts can be linked to external data sources to access and synchronize data. Changing the email of your Glide account to another email is not permitted because if those access permissions are set up, the new email may not have the same permissions. Any of the spreadsheet connections on any of the apps would be lost.

To use a different email for Glide, you need to create a new Glide account using that new email address, then create a Team on that new account and make the old account a Team member. Ensure that proper permissions to access those external data sources are set up for that new Team by creating a new app and selecting the spreadsheet to which the old apps are linked. Then, log in with the old email and transfer the apps to that Team.

For security reasons, if you don't have access to your original account email and it is a company domain, we would need authorization from someone from your prior employer who has the authority to allow you to transfer the team to another email of a different company.

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